2008年1月14日 星期一


Spectrum | 15.01.2008 | 04:30

Epigenetics -- the New Buzzword in Medical Research

The study of heritable changes is altering the way researchers think of heridity

There is a new buzzword in the field of medical research. “EPIGENETICS”. It means “upon” or “ beyond” genes and involves the study of the coded instructions that tell our genes what to do. The subject is causing real excitement among biologists. It offers the prospect of new, more powerful diagnostic techniques and even the possibility of a cure for diseases like cancer. From London, Stephen Beard reports.

作者:C. David Allis, Thomas Jenuwein, Danny Reinberg
出版項:Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, c2007
索書號:QU475 E64 2007

One of the definitions of epigenetics is the study–or perhaps the phenomenon (scientists have trouble distinguishing)–of a change in phenotype that is heritable but does not involve DNA mutation; the change must be switched on or off rather than graded, and must be heritable even if the initial conditions that caused the switch disappear. Biological scientists discuss such aspects as fungal models, the epigenetics of ciliates, transcriptional silencing by polycomb group proteins, genomic imprinting in mammals, human disease, and epigenetic determinants of cancer.
來源:SciTech Book News

表遗传学(epigenetics)是研究没有DNA序列变化,可遗传的基因表达(活性)的改变.主要涉及DNA甲基化作用的改变和染色质组 ...

epigenetics. エピジェネティクスとは真核生物の遺伝情報の発現制御,すなわち遺伝子機能の選択的な活. 性化・不活性化のための機構の一種で,
