2011年3月30日 星期三


中英對照讀新聞/Laughing "better than latest technology for leg ulcers" 大笑對腳部潰瘍的療效優於最新科技


A good old belly laugh can help heal leg ulcers, experts say. The Leeds University team said good nursing and the occasional laugh was a better way to get the body healing than using the latest technology.


Hospitals and health clinics are increasingly using low-dose ultrasound for leg ulcers. But the five-year study of 337 patients found it did nothing to speed up recovery, the British Medical Journal reported.


Instead, lead researcher Professor Andrea Nelson said:"The best way to do that is with compression bandages and support stocking coupled with advice on diet and exercise. Believe it or not, having a really hearty chuckle can help too. This is because laughing gets the diaphragm moving and this plays a vital part in moving blood around the body."


During the study, the team concentrated on patients with hard-to-heal ulcers that had not cleared up after six months or longer. They found that adding ultrasound to the standard approach to care -dressings and compression therapy- made no difference to the speed of healing or the chance of ulcers coming back.



dressing:名詞,包紮。例句:She put a dressing on the mangled toe.(她包紮被砍傷的腳趾。)

couple:動詞,加上、連結。例句:The sleeping car and restaurant car were coupled together.(寢車與餐車相連。)

cleare up:片語,病癒。例句:You won’t be able to go swimming tomorrow if your cold hasn’t cleared up.(如果你的感冒沒好,明天不能去游泳。)
