2015年5月28日 星期四

人類對地球的過份索求Humans’ staggering effect on Earth;印度的熱浪為什麼可致命的

In the two weeks ending May 27th, according to press reports, a total of over 1,100 people died in India as a result of intense and prolonged high temperatures. In Delhi road surfaces were shown melting. Every year at least hundreds are said to die from the heat. This year seems especially bad. Why are heatwaves in India so deadly?http://econ.st/1ez9Lke

The Economist explains

Washington Post 分享了 1 條連結

Images of consumption are the theme of the book, “Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot.” It addresses environmental deterioration through subjects including materialism, consumption, pollution, fossil fuels...
