2015年9月11日 星期五


The study was the most recent update on the 2010 report on the Global Burden of Disease, considered the most authoritative work on the causes of ill-health.

“There’s great potential to improve health by avoiding certain risks like smoking and poor diet as well as tackling environmental risks like air pollution," IHME director Dr Christopher Murray told The Guardian. “The challenge for policymakers will be to use what we know to guide prevention efforts and health policies.”

Data from 108 countries from 1990 to 2013 was used in the study, and the number of risk factors in premature deaths was increased from 67 to 79, to provide a broader study.

And unhealthy eating overall, characterised by high consumption of red meat and sugar-sweetened beverages, contributed to more deaths than any other factor - because they contribute towards ischemic heart disease, strokes and diabetes.    

The study was the most recent update on the 2010 report on the Global Burden of Disease, considered the most authoritative work on the causes of ill-health.

“There’s great potential to improve health by avoiding certain risks like smoking and poor diet as well as tackling environmental risks like air pollution," IHME director Dr Christopher Murray told The Guardian. “The challenge for policymakers will be to use what we know to guide prevention efforts and health policies.”

Data from 108 countries from 1990 to 2013 was used in the study, and the number of risk factors in premature deaths was increased from 67 to 79, to provide a broader study.

Ischemia, also spelled as ischaemia or ischæmia[a] (/ɪˈskmiə/[1][2]), is a restriction in blood supply to tissues,[3] causing a shortage of oxygen and glucose needed for cellular metabolism (to keep tissue alive).[4] Ischemia is generally caused by problems with blood vessels, with resultant damage to or dysfunction of tissue. It also means local anemia in a given part of a body sometimes resulting from congestion (such as vasoconstriction,thrombosis or embolism).

is·che·mi·a (ĭ-skē'mē-əpronunciation
A decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue, or part caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels.
[New Latin ischaemia, from Greek iskhaimos, a stopping of the blood : iskhein, to keep back + haima, blood.]
ischemic i·sche'mic adj.短暫性腦缺血發作 腦梗塞的警訊
◎TIA(transient ischemic attack)短暫性腦缺血發作
梗 塞的主因可能是高度狹窄的頸動脈,併有心房顫動的心臟,或是硬化已達到危險程度的腦內動脈。具有下列特徵者有較高的機會造成腦梗塞,包括糖尿病患、年齡大 於60歲、血壓高於140/90毫米汞柱、臨床症狀包括單側無力、語言障礙、持續時間超過10分鐘(尤其超過60分鐘者)。
